Reflection on being a PAR CT

Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) firmly believes in empowering and encouraging students to become successful learners in a diverse community. As a PAR Consulting Teacher (CT), my purpose is to serve and support educators new to the profession in order to impact teaching and learning. I foster learning partnerships with my PAR mentees and provide them coaching and individualized job-embedded professional development through the lens of the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF).
I have grown tremendously as an educator because of PAR. This position has pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me in ways I would have never imagined. For example, I have the pleasure of working at multiple school sites during the same school year. This had widened my reach to network and collaborate with peers. Last year, I was assigned to two high schools and one middle school. This year, I am working at two elementary schools and one middle school. This experience has been eye opening, as I am able to see first-hand the unique nature and culture and climate of each school. Although we all serve the purpose of supporting “every student in every classroom, without exceptions, without excuses” each school community is uniquely innovative and diverse in how they serve students and each other.
The relationships I have established and maintained through PAR have been my favorite part of this job. They have been challenging, humbling, and fulfilling. Each is different because my coaching experiences and support for mentees are differentiated. The new teachers I serve and support, on a daily basis, motivate and reignite my will to serve students and education. It is through our learning partnerships, our struggles, and our many successes that I am reminded to appreciate our meaningful work.

Jeniffer Calimbahin holds a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education & English and a master’s degree in Administration and Supervision. She is a TESOL-endorsed, certified secondary ELA teacher who has been an educator for 13 years. Her CCSD experiences include working as a secondary ELA teacher; serving as a site-based Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Coach; and mentoring first-year teachers as a PAR Consulting Teacher. Jeniffer’s passion for teacher leadership has led her to support NEA’s 2015-2016 Teacher Leadership Initiative program as a state coach; co-plan the 2016 ECET2 SW Convening as a Committee Member; and co-coordinate the NDOE Great Teaching and Leading Fund’s 2016-2017 Learn to Lead (L2L) series as a Program Manager. She continues her work as one of the L2L series coordinators for CCEA’s Nevada Collaboratory Professional Learning Program. This is her second year with PAR as a CT.
Click here to read testimonials from new educators receiving services from PAR and CT support.